Forgive me for my ignorance folks, but I didn't know that Lineage 2 SEA had a newsletter.
I had to dig this up in this news article. According to the cover it's April 2008 Issue 1, so this would be the premiere issue. Was there an announcement? They could've been able to get more response from the Lineage 2 SEA community if they did. I hope they can provide us with more information in the May issue.
Do they have more pages or info than a Kamael Update-related promo? I honestly did not even know this promo existed. Is this part of a particular quest? I read here from the old forums that it was discontinued. Will they go ahead with this once the Kamael's out and about on April 22 or is this dead in the water?
Technorati Tags: Lineage 2 SEA, Lineage 2, Newsletter, Kamael