The changing face of writing

Steve Rubel about marketing and business model...
Image by pellesten via Flickr
The movement has begun.
Is blogging dead or dying? There are some quarters saying that it is, however in my opinion writing has just evolved to the next step: lifestreaming. Isn't blogging supposed to be spreading information to the internet about something (usually yourself)? This is what lifestreaming does in spades.

What it does is that it further "humanizes" the blogger. It may not always be good to show via Twitter that your baby daughter peed on your suit, but at least your prospective clients won't need to ask you why you were late for the meeting if they were your Twitter followers (it's a great ice breaker as well!).

What do you think? Is this the next step in blogging or is this the end of it?

*I included Darren Rowse in the list because it dwells in his other interests besides just niche blogging.

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