Rohan PH to open new server Armenes


Level-up Game's Rohan will open a new server on May 2010. So far, the only official notice is on the forums: New Blood. New World. Conquer Armenes.

This is a surprising move considering that two servers merged a few months ago because there were few players in one server. There are more players excited over this over the ones who don't like it.

Why they like it:
  • A fresh start for old players
  • It will allow newbies to play with no fear of getting PK'd (at least for the first 3 days)

Will it fail?

This event reminds me of when iAM Interactive opened a new server in Lineage 2 SEA: Cadmus. When it opened, there were a lot of players who tried it out and the two elder servers were almost ghost towns. However, after a few days, the old players went back to their old servers because they were got tired of starting all over again. In the end, Cadmus was almost empty of players that even the gold sellers didn't enter it.

I hope that the new server will mean new players will try Rohan PH out.


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